
English verbs have five basic forms:

  • the base form,
  • the past form,
  • the past participle form.
  • the - S form,
  • the - ing form,

1.If a verb ends in a stressed vowel + one or more consonants + e or ue, "drop" the e and add - ing.

Examples:   save / saving;

2.If a verb ends in - ie, change the - ie to - y and add - ing.
Examples:die / dying; lie / lying;

3.If a verb ends in y, add - ing. It doesn't matter if there is a vowel or a consonant before y.
Examples: pry / prying pray / praying

4. If a verb ends in a vowel + one consonant,double the consonant and add - ing.
Examples:beg / begging; chat / chatting

5. a.If a verb ends in a stressed vowel + r,double the r and add - ing,
refér / referring

5. b.if a verb ends in an unstressed vowel + r, do not double,
the r: just add - ing:
súffer / suffering

6.If a verb ends in a vowel, add - ing.
Examples:do / doing

7. Add - ing to all other verbs.:

                                                    Spelling the - S Form
Change y to i and add - es.

This happens when a verb ends in a consonant y:
apply / applies; bury / buries
carry / carr
ies; copy / copies; cry / cries;

Add - es to the base form.
This happens in two situations:
a.when the base form ends in the vowel o:
does, goes, soloes
b.when the base form ends in s,sssh,
(t)chzz, and x

assesses, blesses, caresses, fusses,
es, misses, passes, tosses



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