IELTS Speaking

(Part – 1)

1) Name: My full name is _____. You can call me _____.
2) Home district: The name of my home district is _____. It’s famous for _____. I love my home district very much because it is a place of natural beauty and tranquility.
3) Residence: I have been living in Dhaka since my birth / for….. years. It’s the capital city of Bangladesh.
4) Educational Background: I’ve graduated from ______ University in the Dept. of _____. Before that, I did my pre schooling and schooling from ______ School and college from ______.

5) Family: Our family consists of ______ members. It’s a nuclear family. Excluding me, I’ve _____ siblings. My father is a/an _____. My mother is a/an _____. We are a happy family.
6) Aim in life / job: As a student of …………..department, I want to be a/an _____ in future.
7) Future plans: I have two types of goals. They are short term and long term. Short term goals are based on 2014. They are….
# _______
My long term goals are
# _______
# _______
# _______
# _______

Leisure interest: In my leisure time, I usually read ______. Sometimes, I watch different type of TV programs. Occasionally, I listen music.
 9) Student life: In my school life, I was so naughty but brilliant. I miss my all school teachers, friends and my classmates. … (3sentences)………………………………………
In my college life, I was so sincere about study. I miss my all college teachers, friends and my classmates. ……… (3sentences)………………………………………………………
In my university life, I was so career orient. I miss my all university teachers, friends and my classmates. ……………… (3sentences)………………………………………………………
10) Favorite: Person: My Favorite person is _____, because I like his/her personality.
Teacher: My Favorite teacher is _____, because I like his/her teaching style.
Actor: My Favorite actor is _____, because I like his acting very much.
Actress: My Favorite actress is _____, because I like her acting.
Singer: My Favorite singer is _____, because I like his/her singing style.
Game: My Favorite game is _____, because it is very exciting sport.
Player: My Favorite player is _____, because he/she plays very well.
TV Programs: My Favorite TV program is _____, because it is very entertaining / educative.
Color: My Favorite color is _____, because it is a symbol of …………
 Book: My Favorite book is _____, because ________.
Place: My Favorite place is _____, because ________.
Food: My Favorite food is _____, because it is our traditional food..
Restaurant: My Favorite restaurant is _____, because I like the menu, environment and service quality of that.
Movie: My Favorite movie is _____, because is very entertaining / educative.
Dress: My Favorite dress is _____, because ________.

11) My qualities: I am very sincere; responsible about my work. I am trustworthy, down to earth, dedicated and extroverted. I love to interact with people and making connectivity. Because I believe Connectivity is the Productivity.

বই পরিচিতি
Listening: লিসেনিং-এর জন্য Cambridge-এর সিরিজ আছে। খুব ভালো। তবে প্রথম দুটো (মানে 1 এবং 2 খুব সাধারণ মানের)। ভালো কিছু শেখা যাবে 3, 4, 5, 6 -এই বইগুলো থেকে। এই বইগুলো CD-সহ কিনতে হবে। অথবা কারো থেকে পেনড্রাইভে সফ্‌ট কপিও সংগ্রহ করে নিতে পারেন।
Reading: অধিকাংশ শিক্ষার্থীদের মতে রিডিং-এর জন্য Saifur’s-এর বইটা সহজ এবং বোধগম্য।
Writing: রাইটিং-এর জন্য ভালো বই হচ্ছে Moniruzzaman’s IELTS Writing বইটি।

Speaking: স্পীকিং-এর জন্য Khan’s Cue-Card 1 এবং 2 বেশ কার্যকরী।


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