
Showing posts from 2023

Dyncraft MVC

EWI : Electronic Work Instruction BOM: Build of Material NCP:Non Conformance Part TBD: To be Determind  AddTechnology.cshtml Technology.cshtml ManageTechnology.cshtml     [Authorize(Roles = "SG-DYNLOU-UAM-DEV-Hose21mFittingVolume-Edit")] EWI_ADMIN >_Navigation.js(Controllers\API\App_NavController.cs)  //Uri uri = new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);  Uri uri = new Uri("");  string host = uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port;  string host2 = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; // string host3 = uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; EWI_ADMIN >_Navigation.js(\Scripts\PageScripts\_Navigation.js)   let url = location.href;   let prefix = url.includes('/EWI/') ? '/EWI' : '';   var appuri = prefix + '/Controllers/API/App_Nav/AppNav'   var reporturi = prefix + '/...


Souce Code  VS Continue without code select the project  get letest version(icon click) ------------------------ Task 1235023 SER 1177947: Remediate Investigate path forward and refine stories. ( SELECT CURRENT_USER;  PACCAR-NA\Mohammad.Chowdhury InnerException {"The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'Hose21mGetStations_SELECT', database 'DataApps', schema 'dbo'."} System.Exception {System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException} USE zzzzzzz; GRANT EXEC ON dbo.xxxxxxx TO PUBLIC ------------------------ C:\Application Support All\feature-AppSupportWeb-PlatformVersionFilter\AppSupportWeb\Views\AppSupport\Application.cshtml  <h3 id="modelName">@Model.Name</h3>  <td>@Html.TextAreaFor(x => x.Note, new { @onk...

Clean Architecture

  Clean Architecture is an architectural design approach that emphasizes separation of concerns, maintainability, and testability in software development. It was popularized by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) and provides several benefits when applied to a software project: Modularity and Separation of Concerns: Clean Architecture enforces a clear separation of concerns among different parts of the application. It divides the codebase into distinct layers (e.g., presentation, application, domain, and infrastructure), ensuring that each layer has a specific responsibility. This modularity makes it easier to understand, extend, and maintain the code. Testability: Clean Architecture promotes testability by isolating business logic in the inner layers of the application. This allows you to write unit tests for the most critical parts of your software without the need for complex integration tests. Testing becomes more straightforward because you can mock or stub dependencies in the out...