
Showing posts from August, 2022


import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react' ; import React , { useState , useRef , useEffect , useMemo , useCallback } from 'react' ; import { ApolloClient , gql , InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client" import { Button , getTextFieldUtilityClass , Grid , Paper , Stack , styled } from '@mui/material' ; import ContentList from './ContentList' ; import FileDownloadCellRenderer from './FileDownloadCellRenderer' ; import FileUploadHistoryList from './FileUploadHistoryList' ; import MilestoneList from './MilestoneList' ; import Accordion from '@mui/material/Accordion' ; import AccordionDetails from '@mui/material/AccordionDetails' ; import AccordionSummary from '@mui/material/AccordionSummary' ; import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography' ; import ExpandMoreIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ExpandMore' ; import * as _ from 'underscore...


  import { ApolloClient , gql , InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client' ; import { CellClickedEvent , RowSelectedEvent } from 'ag-grid-community' ; import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react' ; import { AnyCnameRecord } from 'dns' ; import moment from 'moment' ; import React , { useEffect , useRef , useState } from 'react' ; const GET_CONTENTS =     gql ` query {     contents {         id         title         contentDescription         feedbackComments         dateCreated         dateModified       } } ` ; export default function ContentList ( props : any ) {     const gridRef = useRef ( null ); // Optional - for accessing Grid's API     const [ rowData , setRowData ] = useState ([]); // Set rowData to Array of Objects, one Object per Row         const onRowSelecti...


Auto React Model Generation  src\Magic\Properties launchSettings.json > "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:8081", src\Magic\magicclient .env>REACT_APP_MAGIC_API=http://localhost:8081/m5graphql C:\Intel\FreshCopyFromGit\ src\Magic\GraphQL\Queries(/ MagicMutations) \MagicQueries.cs C:\Intel\FreshCopyFromGit \src\Application\Content\Queries\GetContentsQuery.cs C:\Intel\FreshCopyFromGit \src\Application\Content\Queries\GetContentHandler.cs C:\Intel\FreshCopyFromGit\src \Infrastructure\Databases\M5\EntityFrameworkMagicRepository.cs C:\Intel\Magic5_reactJS_Repository17August\src\Magic\magicclient> npm run codegen Models will be generated in below File C:\Intel\Magic5_reactJS_Repository17August\src\Magic\magicclient\src\graphql\ schema.ts  ...


 SIMON HAI University of North Texas, Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS), Applied Technology & Performance Improvement (ATPI) Sr. Software QA Analyst/Sr. Software QA Engineer(AT&T Wireless Mobility)  Fannie Mae  Aug 2013 - Present · 9 yrs 11 mos 469-951-6268 28th August,1972 Age:51 8829 CRESCENT COURT IRVING, TEXAS 75063 Fatema Mahbuba Chowdhury The University of Texas at Dallas   Bachelor's Degree, Business Administration and Management,  General  2014 - 2018 Dallas,north Arving,valyrange 30 Sep, 1975 Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District on 11/11/15 Substitute Teacher Age:49 +1 (972) 607-6174 Ripon Bhai 15 March 1977 Age : 47 Rubol 45 shaira The University of Texas at Dallas  Bachelor of Science - BS, Healthcare Studies  Aug 2019 - May 2022 enders -recruiting position Pharmacy Technician,Dental Assistant feb 12,2001 Shaira’s husband - Farhan,automation engineer, General Motors Age:23 ...

Hot Chocolate

GraphQL is  a query language and server-side runtime for application programming interfaces (APIs) that prioritizes giving clients exactly the data they request and no more . GraphQL is designed to make APIs fast, flexible, and developer-friendly.   Hot Chocolate  is an open-source GraphQL server built for the Microsoft .NET platform. It removes the complexity of building GraphQL APIs from scratch with built-in features for queries, mutations, and subscriptions We’ll be building a GraphQL API backend with Hot Chocolate GraphQL  Resolvers  are functions that tell the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server how to fetch the data associated with a particular schema. In simple terms, a resolver acts as a GraphQL query handle Open your browser and head over to the port your GraphQL server is listening on (ours is http://localhost:5000/graphql) to open the Hot Chocolate built-in Gr...