
Showing posts from October, 2020


  Pipeline in MVC We can say that pipeline of MVC contains the following processes, Routing Controller Initialization Action Execution Result Execution View Initialization and Rendering Routing is the first step in ASP.NET MVC pipeline. After finding the route successfully, ProcessRequest() method is invoked While the ProcessRequest() method is invoked, it uses the IControllerFactory instance to create the controller for the URL request After initialization of controller it has the information about the action method, this detail of action method is passed to controller’s InvokeAction() method View Engine takes ViewResult type and renders it as a View and shows it by using IView MVC  Model? It is basically a business entity which is used to represent the application data. it's the presentation layer of ASP.Net MVC. Controller The Controller is responsible for taking the end user request and loading the ...

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Git with VS 2017

  VSTS is an integrated, collaborative environment that supports Git, continuous integration, and Agile tools for planning and tracking work.


select round(  (exp(sum(ln(x))))  ,0) as ProductExample   from (     SELECT 3 X FROM DUAL     UNION ALL      SELECT 5 X FROM DUAL     UNION ALL     SELECT 2 X FROM DUAL) Output:  3 5 2 Output:  30 The Oracle/PLSQL NULLIF function compares  expr1  and  expr2.  If  expr1  and  expr2  are equal, the NULLIF function returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns  expr1 .